A Guide to Dental Bonding

A Guide to Dental Bonding

Posted by PRIMARY DENTAL CLINIC on Mar 13 2023, 07:48 AM

Dental bonding is a quick, non-invasive, and relatively inexpensive way to improve the appearance of your smile. It’s often used to fix minor tooth imperfections like discoloration, gaps between teeth, small chips, or misshapen teeth. Some dentists even use dental bonding as a way to straighten crooked teeth.

During the procedure, your dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to your tooth and shape it so that it fills in a gap or covers a small chip. The resin is then hardened using a blue light, which bonds it to the tooth and improves its structure. After the procedure is complete, the bonded area will blend in with the rest of your smile. It will look just like a natural tooth!

In addition to fixing aesthetic issues, composite resin can also be used to fill the space where a tooth is missing to prevent other teeth from shifting out of place and creating misalignments. This procedure is called a “bonded bridge.”

Unlike porcelain veneers, composite resin does not need to be created in a lab, so it can be applied in a single visit and completed within a matter of hours. While the results are not as dramatic as with porcelain veneers, many patients prefer this because they require less preparation and do not require as many trips to the dental office.

Patients who have composite resin applied are usually able to eat and drink normally without concern. However, because the material is not completely stain-resistant, patients should still avoid foods and drinks that can discolor their teeth. This includes coffee, tea, red wine, and more. Composite resin does not last as long as porcelain veneers, but with proper oral hygiene, it can last for several years before needing to be replaced.

What Is the Process of Dental Bonding?

During the process, your dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to your tooth. This putty-like substance is malleable and can often be molded to resemble your natural tooth. Once in place, the material will be hardened with a laser or light. It is often possible to correct minor imperfections with dental bonding without anesthesia. However, if the procedure is more extensive, your dentist may use local anesthesia to numb the area, so you don’t feel pain during the procedure.

Once the material is in place, your dentist will polish it until it matches the rest of your teeth. This procedure is often completed in one visit but could take two, depending on the amount of work required. Your dentist may also recommend using an at-home whitening kit to help match the color of your bonded teeth to your natural teeth.

After the procedure is complete, you will need to take care not to chew on anything too sticky or hard until the bonding has fully set. This includes ice and hard candies. You should also be sure to practice good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing once a day. This will help keep your teeth healthy and clean while the bonding material is hardening into place. Additionally, you should avoid eating any foods that might stain your teeth, such as coffee, tea, soda, and red wine. The resin used in this process can discolor over time.

Make an appointment with us today at (432) 570-7080 or email us at primarydentalclinic@gmail.com for further questions. Get in touch with our office at 4519 N Garfield St., Suite 16A, Midland, TX 79705.

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